Briefing Room

G’day Soldier and welcome to the briefing room.

Grab your canteen, have a seat and listen up. This here is Commando Surf, and, should you choose to accept, your mission now is to get the most benefit out of every single page you surf.

Two of the Internet’s most exciting traffic exchanges have joined forces to help you along on your mission. These are no fly by night exchanges that are here one day and gone the next. These are two of the highest decorated in the whole history of traffic exchanges.

Commando Surf rewards you when you surf both sites together. This is made real easy by connecting you through TE Command Post.

All you have to do to get more credits for every click in both exchanges is sync up with TE Command Post account just once, then you’re set for life! Our state of the art system will detect that you are surfing both sites together and increase your surf ratio immediately.

All that’s left to do is surf and enjoy all those extra credits.

BUT! It gets even better….

We have Allied up with a dozen or so quality traffic exchanges so you can grab extra credits there too.  And…

Every week we feature the top performing Allies on our StrikeForce Splash so you can build your downlines the fast easy way. Grab your copy from the Viral Commando Page


All Commando Surf Exchanges gave a commitment to give you at least 10% extra credits at all times, but it doesn’t stop there. We can give you even more extra credits any time we wish. An extra 5%, 10%, 50%, 100%, 200%. However much we like!

So, be sure to check your communication channels (our emails and this blog) as there will be times of increased ratios and special prizes that you do not want to miss. Every day we publish an updated list of today’s bonuses right on this page to bookmark.

Now I know you are excited to embark on your mission so let’s get you started the fast easy way. Let’s Go Commando!


UPDATE FIVE DAYS IN: If by any chance you’re not getting the extra credits after a few pages surfing please just send in a support ticket to TE Command Post and we’ll get you going. Several hundred members are now Going Commando without difficulty and there are no known bugs in the system.

So, please try surfing a few pages in each exchange before getting worried. Sometimes the sync takes a little while first time around and if your extra bonus is still not active after a short surf please click on the Help button on the top left of this blog – or go to the help desk for any of our exchanges. Thanks.

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